Cards for Analyzing and Reflecting on Doomed Software
The card shows a circle that represents a cake. This cake is divided into eight pieces. Each piece stands for an hour. By writing down the actual work you do during the day, you should find out which parts of the day you're using ineffectively.
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The day has 24h and then there is the night, too. — A former professor of Markus.

…and suddenly the day was over. But what did you get done? This pie chart can help you see what you’ve been spending your precious time on:

  • Are you using your time effectively?
  • Which of the time slots can you simply get rid of?
  • Are you achieving maximum utilization of your time?

Assess the time you spent! See if others determine how you work or if you have control over your own time:

  • How much time do you invest in future-oriented work?
  • How much time do you expend on unplanned work?
  • How much time is spent on routine tasks?

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